Monday, April 5, 2010

left liberty

had a short play session on good friday after helping evan with her video assignment, still wasn't feeling too good as my left feet and my neck were still hurting a lot from the round off back tuck crash haha, but still tried a few p stunts anyway.

amanda was super gian with left lib cause she wanted to get it right quickly so she can try a tick tock, wanted to practice too as i've started to realise that my right hand is getting way more stronger than my left hand too. very often when I'm stunting nowadays, I'll unconsciously start to shift a lot of weight to my right side. its a good thing that my right is getting stronger, but neglecting my left isn't too good. xp asked me to try a left lib a few days ago and I couldn't even hold the stunt up, felt much better getting it a few times on friday.

attempted a few toss to ex with xt and amanda but somehow I can't seem to be able to catch the flyers' shoes at all. most of the time, the shoes are very far in front and the flyer's waist is already in the plane behind my head, seems like I'm pulling the flyer back in the toss even when I'm making a conscious effort not to do so at all (sometimes even throwing forward). will just keep working on my explosiveness, and get use to catching the shoes higher in the air.

left play session early to rush off to jurong east chiropractor cause he said that he was closing at 3pm, started raining heavily when I reached jurong east mrt, thank goodness he waited for me. apparently so many places in my body was injured that he ended up spending like 30 mins fixing everything. thank goodness I managed to get a 2 day rest during the weekend, everything feels way better today.

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